Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sharing the moment with a few friends

As I leave my office
Oh what your missing
And the swimming pool too
Well, maybe someone will care enough to help me enjoy this wonderful country. Maybe not.
The Old Man

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day of Thought

The other day someone called the pool my baby. Last night I spoke with John & Laurie on the phone and could sense some friction on the home front. I did not get tobed/sleep until 5:00 this morning. Got up arround 12:00, had my vitamin C with zinc drink, read scriptures (D&C), and started out to the bakery for a loaf of brown bread. Walking out of our apparentments Gilbert, the super, asked if I was going to the college and I replied "no, just to take a walk and get some bread, since the day was so beautiful." He concurred and out I went. As I walked up the street I thought of the two ideas stated in the start of the blog and questioned wheather my staying in Greece was a little selfish. Yes & no, it was a joint decission and I am providing for family welfare on several fronts. Seldom is the time when all of the fronts are completely covered. Therefor, I determined to go to campus, check the family blogs and write down a few thoughts.
The sight of "my baby" as I came near. I guess I put so much into this project is that it is something that is to be acted upon. It responds to the laws that were given with out question. I just have to ferret out the parameters and data and it corrects. That is not to say the some of the people here, both at the college, contractors, and other agencies, love and exercise their agency more than employees and coworkers in the states are not always easy to work with; kinda like family.
Looking out from part of the campus towards the Olympic stadium (in the center, enlarge the picture for a better look), reminds my of the Olympic creed and motto for all humainty. It reminds me of the ancient Greeks and their ethics. The day after Christmas, I had dinner at my coworkers house with his family and members from his church. Very nice. One of the guests was a 75year old retired math professor from the Universitywho has over 80 books published and enjoys philosphy. He gave me a charge that the ancient Greeks gave their boys as they reach the age of accountability. I can't remember the whole saying, maybe one of you will; but it calls on the young man to honnor and obey State, Parents, & (I think) God or do good. Something for each of us to strive and achieve.
These two shots are of my baby on the inside; clean, sanitary, well maintained, balanced, beautiful, but dull because it is not being used. Just like the prinicples we know and don't put to use to make life easier and happier for those arround us. Only through these act of selflessness can both we and others be truely happy.
This last shot is of two of the permenant residents of the campus. One is relaxed while the other stands guard. It is nice that they can get along and serve one-an-other without any formal directions. It just comes natural. Oh how I wish it did with humans, from the intimacies of personal relations to world affairs.
My parting thoughts: be kind one to another, come visit The Old Man, & enjoy all life has to offer. If some of my earlier comments makes anyone feel a little uncomfortable, I am sorry of that; but desire that we each live so that we do not have to remember or live that uncomfortableness. And if you did not feel that uncomfortableness, I pray that you will come to feeling once again and live the life we were put here to live. Remember charity begins at home and with loved ones.
The Old Man and some of his thoughts

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Come browse the street Market

Today was the first day of the street market that is on the side street to my appartment building. Today I only had time for photos. Since the market is only set up on Mondays I will have to wait until next week to do my shopping.

Check out the port-a-potties

Looks good. But is only here from today until the end of June or July. But who is complaining.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wish you all could be here

It's not snowing here. A bit cold 40-50 degree and at times rainy and windy. I know, I know your will play your miniture violin, "My heart bleeds for you."

Found some good peach grape juice which tastes like apricot nector. I have to walk a little over a mile to get it so I usually pick up several one liter containers when I go. There is a bakery right next to the store which has some great chocolate treats, dark chocolate. Now you wish you were here, especially since we have the pool under control at least for the momment. Almost done brushing the algae from the bottom of the pool for a second course it will take only about 19 hours as compared with 64 to get the heavy algae off. Now I will caulk part of the deck and holes in the pool shell along with a few other patches. It's all fun.

The physics book that Jesse gave me is very interesting. I will keep your interest in my blog by saying I might, just might, give you a book report on it in the next blog. Maybe the rest of you would like to share some book reports on our opinionated blog site.

Until then have fun; but, stay safe.

The Old Man

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year - but more of the same

Happy New year to all of you.

I hope your's is a little better than mine. However I was there to catch the problems and deal with them. It's not the hand your delt that matters; BUT how you play the hand. And remember don't count your money while you are sitting at the table, there will be time enough for counting once the dealings done.

This leak from a mechanical seal greated me as I was getting ready to backwash after scrubing algae and then sweeping it into the pool's main drains for disposal on December 31st, late evening.

Come New Years Day when I arrive at the pool I check the filter/mechanical room, one of the first things I do each time I arrive since the flood, and find this leak staring at me. Lovely start to a new year.

"Glad to be of Service." The Old Man