Friday, December 4, 2009

A few fliers - which do you like best & why

After the check out (evaluation) dives in which two ACG dstudents were certified, I wanted to use the experience for promotion of our SCUBA program and create a token of appreciation & keep sake for the students in addition to being certifed.

The fliers/posts below are all photographs of the actual copy as Blogger would not accept the digital originals.

Please let me know your thoughts on thes products and how they can be improved for the future.

This is a final and has been posted. But I would like to refine for the future.

The above flier/poster will be used to promote as well as having a super large poster to be given to the participants. Below is the original concept.

I hope you are having some fun with this activity. I sure did with the diving and poster design.