Friday, October 3, 2008

Kids, Several Memories, a Celebration, and a secret or warning

The pool gets use from the Pierce Students:

While the teachers work with a few the others exercise and train.

Water Polo is big even with the youth from the Pierce College. Deree College just started a college team and have had 15 participants show up at the start of the second week.
A walk down memory lane:
Ask Laurie to tell the tell.

Do I have to go up the remaining steps? Ask Laurie what this was all about.

Mother's Day celbration on the plaza several blocks from my appartment included all day traditional Greek dance competion and music. Yeah, I am a little late in posting it. But it does bring back some memories.
The kids love it as much as the adults. This is a very simple culture in many ways. It is very easy to fall in love with.
By the way I am listening to Laurie's tunes as I blog. Mellow, real mellow!
"Thing Two", it a Greek diet when you visit with no sweets and lots of walking. This goes for "Thing One" and her family also. I will just have to remember to hide all the good stuff before you arrive.


Josh & Teddie said...

No problems with the walking, if you were refering to me at all. HOwever the sweets, those are going to have to be out in great abundance! By then Theo will be able to eat them too! Double the amount, no triple or quadruple, Josh will be there too!

Waterspout said...

Sorry, Theo and I may have a special stash. The rest of you may have to fend for yourselves. But that should be no problem there are sweet stores all over, just ask Leela.